Potential 2025 Exhibit Application Form

Welcome to the Potential Art Exhibit 2025 application! Please make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct on this form, as they will be copied and pasted for artist tags. You can submit a max of 5 pieces to be considered. Accepted artists will be contacted about the next steps and must attend the dinner before the opening. 

Need space and supplies to make art? Neutral Zone has an art studio, stocked with supplies, that you can use for free Monday - Friday from 2:30-6:00 pm during the school year. 

Looking for more art-making friends, exhibition opportunities, field trips to local galleries, chances to help the community through the arts, leadership training, to have your art featured in video games, & more? Join the Visual Arts Council on Mondays from 4:15 pm - 6:00 pm at NZ. We are an intentionally inclusive community, so come by and be your creative self!

If you have questions, please reach out to Trevor at trevor@neutral-zone.org.